Friday, March 27, 2009

Hamas Speaks Louder, Iran Gets It's 15 Minutes, Russia Doesn't Do Well With U.S. Comments, and US|Israel Call The Rest Of The World Terrorists

Today we heard some new voices in the World community as well as some louder voices from the nations that have so far carried the Foreign Harbinger, by giving us actual content to report on. For that reason we salute Israel, United States, and last but definitely not least, Hamas.


Israel started off the open debate today with a statement about their leader Benjamin Netanyahu trying to accomplish peace with Palestine.
“We are trying to have peace, our prime minister went to palestine to talk about peace” - Israel


Israel also stated that they are building an Iron Dome for defense from rockets, and that their one settlement in the Gaza strip is a military base geared to keep peace in the area.


Hamas finally showed some level-headed behaviour, they were not happy with Israel's speech about trying to accomplish peace. When Israel was in the midst of praising their leader Benjamin Netanyahu for his negotiations attempt, Hamas jumped in with this to say,
“Is that why you sent phosphorus over at us?” - Hamas

Israel brought up that they were defending themselves against the Hamas terrorists that had been relentless with suicide bombings in heavily populated civilian areas.
“We don’t send them to do it, they choose to do it” - Hamas
A few countries interjected with questions as to why Hamas was not protecting their own people and keeping them sane and more importantly safe.

“We don’t have the funds to protect our people” - Hamas “We have so little resources”

Israel let Hamas know that they were fighting, as quoted, an "unwinnable war", and they should just give up now before all their retaliations are matched and overthrown. Hamas responded quickly with this,

“Israel has cut off our water to the Gaza strip, all of our food, our military, what do you want us to do?” - Hamas

Israel responded with an uncensored comment, "you guys are psychos" - Israel. Israel feels that aide to the Gaza strip is more useless than hanging wet socks outside in the winter. They do not believe that Hamas cares about their people at all. Hamas on the other hand says that they do care about their people, but they did not however clarify or give an example to show how they cared about their people. The United States jumped in to ask if Hamas does care about their people than why are they treating them so poorly.
“You are cutting off freedom Israel” - Hamas

Israel responded by saying that they don't fire rockets or attack in general any schools with children in them. The United States interjected once again to say that Hamas uses their civilians as human shields and sacrifices, so that Hamas can do their bidding even with such low funding.

The Foreign Harbinger correspondents noticed that there was again very little activity from the rest of the world during the constant bickering between Hamas, Israel and United States. We were surprised when some quieter countries made some sounds and stirred up the pot just that much more. The United States and Israel were in the midst of justifying their defense tactics when Russia made an argument to the two nations.
“If you’re not shooting at Iran and Hamas then they are doing well in defense on their part” - Russia
There were mixed opinions flying around from both US and Israel that correspondents could not quite catch as Israel was attempting to speak over the rest of the representatives in the debate. Mostly we gathered that US and Israel believe everywhere outside of their nations, are full of terrorist organizations, and that some countries themselves are terrorists.
“We are not terrorists!” - Hamas
China finally had something to say, they asked Israel about their tossing of phosphorus into Gaza. China wanted to know how Israel was justifying that attack.

“We were attacking Gaza” - Israel
China then asked why would Israel be calling Hamas and Iran terrorists?

“They have nuclear bombs” - Israel
“You said yourself that you (Iran) will bomb Israel as soon as you have a nuclear bomb” - US “The United States supports China in their building of Nuclear bombs”
Iran responded saying that their uranium collection was for an energy plan, the US and Israel begged the question of what progress has been made on the energy plan in the last 6 years that it has been running. Iran says that they have been building, but very slowly, they are just simply 'slow builders'.

“I need builders, I build slow, that’s why we don’t have any energy buildings yet” - Iran

Hamas and Iran accused the United States and Israel of both committing war crimes, but they did not get much of a response from either of the accused nations. The United States did however have this to say to Iran,
“Why did you say you will not listen to the US recently when Obama visited Iran” - US

The response was clear from Iran,
“Because the US describes us as the Axis of evil” - Iran

Unfortunately this only showed how unaware Iran has become, they must have missed the past year and a half of campaigning in the United States. They also must not have seen the clip of George Bush leaving Washington.
“It’s taken 6 years since you started (Iran) and there has been nothing done, you’ve just been collecting uranium” - Israel
The bickering and arguing continued for some time, as most of the World community had now been labeled terrorists by US and Israel.


The United States decided to be frank with Russia when they made this statement.
“Russia does NOT have control over their nuclear security” - US

The United States proceeded to explain how Russia has been holding their nuclear weapons all over the country in random spots, like on the side of freeways in fields, chained up and only secured by a padlock.
“If you do not think we have control over nuclear weapons, do you think we are terrorists?” - Russia “We’re we terrorists in your eyes?”
Israel responded with "Russia is a terrorist." The arguments heat started to simmer down, and Hamas jumped right back in to colour the silence.

“Do you want us to sleep proper at night with no food and fear that we’ll be bombed?” - Hamas

Israel responded by saying that Hamas should tell their people to find a mall or a school to sleep in.

“You people don’t care about people(Hamas), you are terrorists” - Israel
Finally, Hamas had this to say before the open debate came to a grand finale.
“The Gaza strip is one of the highest populated areas in the world, THEY ARE NOT ALL TERRORISTS!” - Hamas

- Nick Francis TFH Correspondent

Russia Has A Master Plan For The Arctic

Currently, Canada, US and Russia and other Northern countries are trying to acquire the Arctic as part of their country.

Why would anybody want a giant piece of ice you may ask, well it is said to have about 25% of the worlds untouched oil and gas. 

So far, Russia has been taking this matter a little further than the other nations.  In 2007 there was a canister containing the Russian flag dropped in the Arctic, by two civilian mini-submarines that were gathering water samples and doing geological tests.

Russia has decided to take the ice-breaker game a bit more serious now.  Vice-Admiral Oleg Burtsev has told a Russian news agency that Russia plans to use their navy to secure a claim over the arctic.
"In any case, Northern Fleet submarines will be used to either explore or protect Arctic territories adjacent to Russia" - Oleg Burtsev (quoted in a Russian news report)
Aside from the great amount of oil that has been 'found' in the Arctic, there is also another huge benefit of having reign over this part of the world.  Due to global warming, the ice caps in the Arctic are melting rapidly, yeah we know this.  What does that mean for a nation in the North?  Well new trading routes will open up and countries will be able to get to new trading partners at a quicker rate.

I just hope that this guy doesn't mind hanging out with Putin and his gymnast boo.

- Nick Francis, TFH Correspondent

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


No update today again, I'm working on implementing videos right now, there should be another update soon.

Monday, March 23, 2009

A Successful Act Of Defense

The actions made by the United States and Israel consist of an attack on military areas in the Gaza strip, these targets contained only Hamas terrorists according to the United States.

Israel has made it clear that they are not fooling around anymore, they are sick of being poked by the outsiders of their beloved country. They will not stand for it anymore and they are taking necessary action to ensure the safety of their people and the overall security of their nation.

The attack on the Gaza strip is more than just a triumphant event for Israeli's, it's a stepping stone in the security of their nation.

Israel has now put in one settlement with 500 houses, with the support of Fatah.


This quote was made by a few Hamas leaders after the United States made their attack today,
“The United States, and whoever else was involved in the bombing of the Gaza strip, is responsible for the killing of 500 innocent elderly peoples and children, the blood is on your hands people!” - Hamas
The Israeli leaders made this statement as a counter argument,
"We'd like to let the global community know that we only attacked a 2 km radius, we know that there were only Hama militants, the secret service told us this. We are sure that there was not 500 children there.” - Israel

The Hamas 'Experience'

After the uncalled for and disruptive bombing on Israel, I had to find out why these animals who inhabit the organization of Hamas would do such a terrible thing to the peaceful people of Israel. Two men agreed to do an exclusive interview with the Foreign Harbinger just hours after the bombing.


This is what Hamas had to say about the recent bombings in Israel,
"We claim responsibility on the bombing of the first conference, we take responsibility on killing 10 prominent Israelis and 8 Americans also prominent. This is just a warning, next we will be bigger, we are trying to move across the ocean." - Hamas
Why did you choose to do this during the conference?
"Pretty much all the nations meeting there have not supported us, and they called us terrorists, we’re freedom fighters, we don’t recognize Israel, we want them out of our land." - Hamas
During the interview I got a call from a correspondent to let me know that the US had just released information that they were not pleased with the bombings and also they have found secret evidence that shows Iran is helping Hamas.

Hamas also felt the need to let the world know that the great Syrian people were behind them and had supported their actions again Israel.

They also stated that there will be force taken against Hamas because of their actions.

Syria made statements also to help give a better understanding of where they stand.
“We are not responsible, for the individuals and organizations in our country” “It’s not that easy to stop terrorist organizations inside of our country” - Syria


Private Conference | US, Israel, and Canada


The leaders of three powerful nations met today in the cozy country of Israel to discuss nuclear proliferation and Iran.

The nations discussed the amount of uranium that has been traded between Russia and Iran, the amount of uranium is said to be enough to create a nuclear weapon that will no doubt be used against Israel. As Iran has been known to encourage violence, this is not a bizarre idea that they might have use the warhead to blow Israel 'off the map'.

Israel proposed that Iran should be given only two months to get their 'act together' and to get back on the nuclear proliferation. Looking into the bigger picture, there will not be hard action taken until 6 months have passed without any improvement, or if there is not a sufficient amount done.

Israel is also looking into cutting off any trade with Iran in hopes that they will wake up to the reality of the situation. The US was quiet for most of the conference, but had this to say, “Nobody wants Nuclear war! Iran wants nuclear war!” They also stated that they do not want to jump into war.

Israel wanted to make it clear that it is not possible for them to negotiate with the countries around them that are wrongly trying to destroy them. This was taken into account by the other nations at the conference. Israel came out very strong in the conference, they got their message across with so much power the other nations were speechless. Israel said that they will attack Iran and start a war in 2009 if Iran does not comply with what they are being told to do.


There is hope for the Israeli people with such great leaders, the leaders have taken into account the public announcement made by Iran, being that they plan to bomb Israel the moment they get a nuke in their hands.


China and Russia made an unplanned visit to the conference.
"You’re asking us to help you with this, but at the beginning we offered our help and we were refused" - Russia
Russia was asked to negotiate Russia providing uranium to Iran, their response was not what you'd expect from a country of such a massive size. They told the nations that they 'needed to think about it'. The conference got quiet for a moment after the response. Russia made another statement, "we are already trying to get peace in the middle east." The US and Israel responded with, "just, no more uranium."

"We don't like the pressure" - Russia

When asked "why are you hesitating" by Israel, they did not respond but the leaders of China and Russia whispered to each other. Israel noticed that China was looking suspicious so they asked if they were supporting the idea, China said they were unsure about their decision and overall unsure about peace.

A sudden turn of events occurred outside of the conference in Israel as Hamas sent rockets into the country. There was a reported range of 15-20 people who actually died, the injured count is unknown at this point. Belief is that there were many civilians nearby, but not close enough to receive a strong enough blast.

I caught up with a couple of powerful Hamas leaders later that day in an exclusive interview which I'll share with you as soon as it's published.

Russia Interview (Vladimir Putin)


1. How as the economic crisis affected Russia?
It does not affect greatly us because of our natural gas resources. Currently, we are threatening Ukraine, to cut the pipeline. Our large amounts of natural gas helps to maintain the economy.

2. What is your opinion on the Palestine-Israel conflicts?
We have no great stance. We tried attempt to work out something with Israel, but was it declined because they chose the US instead. We now support Palestine financially and support peace.

3. Why does Russia deserve to own the North Pole?
We have the biggest land mass and it is part of their territory in the North. We don’t want to split it because the oil from there will be beneficial.

4. Currently, what are the main issues in Russia?
There aren’t really any because we are a pretty wealthy communist country. Currently, we are in one of the most stable times of history.

5. How do you want to be viewed as by the rest of the world?
We want to be a leader. The US is leader because it was obnoxiously gained by George Bush, but they should not hold the power anymore. Russia has restarted itself as a world power

6. Currently, what is your main goal?
Peace for the Middle East, which will lead to strengthening our relationship with the US

7. What are your plans for the next 5 years?
Help rebuild Palestine, strengthen relationship with US

8. With Obama as the new US president, how do you think your relationship with the United States will change?
Only good things will come out of this. Through Obama, our relationship will quickly strengthen.

9. Who are your current allies? Enemies?
Allies – North Korea, Palestine, Lebanon (strong), Tibet (military basis, selling weapons to them)
Enemies – Ukraine, Israel (not strongly)

10. Besides the Palestine-Israel conflict, what are issues the world needs to resolve together?
Economic crisis – tackle to together for the well-being of all.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

World Update #1

To make sure everybody understands what's going on in the world, we here at the Foreign Harbinger are pleased to give you rightful balanced news.

Here's what's lighting up the media's cigarettes right now.


As for the white phosphorous, the IDF says it is used by armies all over the world in legal munitions for flares and smokescreens, but that it is investigating the firing by a reserve brigade of about 20 phosphorous shells in the Bet Lehiya area of northern Gaza where civilians may unintentionally have been hit. … As the dust settles, the question of whether Israel actually broke the rules of war and whether any of its soldiers will face judicial proceedings is one of the major issues that have come to the fore.



A Turkish state prosecutor has launched an investigation into allegations that Israel's offensive in Gaza amounted to genocide and crimes against humanity, a human rights group said yesterday. … The complaint named 19 people including Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, President Shimon Peres, as well as Israel's Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and Defense Minister Ehud Barak. … "We submitted the complaint against those who we could prove were in some way responsible for giving orders for the attack on Gaza," Meryem Sari, an attorney, said. "The complaint asks that Turkey be given the right to try the people mentioned."


Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Stephen Smith told reporters that he was aware of a number of allegations of atrocities by the Israeli military during its incursion into the Gaza Strip in the past two weeks. … There were also allegations the Israeli military had used phosphorous bombs which cause chemical burns to victims. … Smith also announced an extra 5 million Aust. dollars ($3.3 million) in humanitarian assistance from Australia to address food shortages, medical supply shortages and the displacement of families in Gaza.


Israel has been systematically carrying out genocide, indeed a holocaust, against the Palestinian people…very literally. Most recently, Israel used a weapon of mass destruction known as phosphorous bombs which literally set people on fire. This type of murderous behavior has been going on since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. Additionally, there are "Jews only" roads. … The International Federation of Journalists has condemned Israel's targeting of journalists. In Gaza City, journalists held a sit-in after Israeli forces bombed the Jawhara Media Building killing a journalist, Ala' Murtaja.


Khaled Meshaal, chief of Hamas, was interviewed by an Italian newspaper and told them that he credits the way that US President Barack Obama has communicated his ideas to the Middle East.  The President has called for “new beginning” in relations with Iran.  Mr. Meshaal has high hopes and strongly believes the Palestinian Islamist movement is only a ‘matter of time’.  He said this to the newspaper "The challenge for everybody is for this to be the prelude for a genuine change in US and European policies. Regarding an official opening towards Hamas, it's a matter of time.” Nobody is willing to deal with Hamas, unless they stop violence and recognize Israel, nobody being, US EU and UN.


Five Britons were taken hostage about two years ago, four of the men were security guards of information technology consultant Peter Moore.  They were kidnapped by heavily armed men in police uniforms in central Baghdad.  There have been a few videos released by those holding the men, where the Britons were explaining how well they were being treated.  A new video recently surfaced with demands for Britain.  The US believes that the Shiite extremists are being backed by Iran.


Also, the Iranian leaders have responded to US President Barack Obama’s offer to the Middle East of better relations.  Iran wants better treatment from the US, one way would be to give back frozen assets.  Iran’s leaders were caught saying that they were not impressed by the lack of change so far with the United States’ new administration. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said this in a recent speech “You change, our behaviour will change.”  He also said that more than just a change in US rhetoric was needed, he said that the US is ‘hated in the world’ and should not continue with it’s interference with the global community.  The city of Tehran has stated that it will not let it’s guard down until US troops are out of its borders in Iraq and Afghanistan. 


An interesting speech by Barack Obama was recently made about the Middle East.  He talked about putting the Middle East back on the agenda and most surprisingly he said that the Palestinian's needed a state.

More to come..

Monday, March 9, 2009

Country Interviews

To all countries and organizations,
Now is a good time to make use of publicity for you country. We will be doing interviews all through out this week if you want to schedule a time, please do it as soon as possible by commenting to this post.
You need to create an account with the blog, so if you already have an account with Google, from a business class or something, you can use that. The Country interview list will be on the right side of the blog, under the title Country interviews.
If you are requesting a video interview, phone call, instant messaging, email, facebook, or anything else please specify in your comment.
Thank you.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

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